Lorraine Holland

President’s Message, November 2023

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It’s a busy time of year as we gear up for Veterans Day and the November month of activities surrounding this annual day of honoring our Nation’s Veterans. Starting this year, the week of November 11th is “Veterans Week” in Florida. I will be representing our MOAA Chapter at several functions, and I encourage you to participate in Veterans Day activities in your respective areas to honor those who have honorably and selflessly served. I know many of our members are very active in their veteran community and we would like to hear your stories!
This Focus newsletter covers both November and December, and I would be remiss if I didn’t wish all of you a wonderful day with family and friends on Thanksgiving, and a Merry Christmas full of magical festivities with your loved ones! Let’s not forget that as our world is swirling in unrest overseas, we have deployed military personnel stationed in harm’s way. Please keep our brave men and women in your thoughts and prayers, as they are the reason we have a peaceful and safe home in America. For our November 14th luncheon, we are very fortunate to have our own Patricia Green, a MOAA National Surviving Spouse Advisory Council member, as our guest speaker. Pat’s topics include the downsizing process and financial awareness needed as we age, and topics for preparing for living potentially as a single person later in life.
It’s that time of year again when we need to review our Board of Directors and Chapter Leadership. Like any successful organization, we need new eyes and ears to help steer us into the future to keep our Chapter alive and vibrant. Please make yourself known at the November and December Chapter events so we can put your name forward to fill Chapter positions of leadership. I’m looking forward to seeing you at our luncheon on November 14th! Cheers, Lorraine

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