Surviving Spouse Liaison

Mrs. Patricia A. Green

Mrs. Patricia A. Green Surviving Spouse Liaison

I became a widow in 2005. My husband, COL David E. Green , had his first career in the USArmy. He had a lifetime membership in MOAA that I inherited. A few months after his death, I received an invitation to the local Chapter luncheon. I joined and have been involved ever since. My duties ranged from reservationist, Secretary, to Surviving Spouse Liaison. In 2018, I was appointed as Surviving Spouse Liaison for the Florida Council of Chapters. In 2020, I was selected to serve as a member of the Surviving Spouse Advisory Council at the national level. My term is 4 years with an option of a two year extension. My duties are to lobby for the benefits for the military that were promised at enlistment. I serve Surviving Spouses and try to help in whatever way I can.

Spouses & Surviving Spouses Information 

Patricia Green Selection as Surviving Spouse Advisory Council Member – 2020-06-28-Patricia Green

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